Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Without going into any political discussion I will just write two things about this promotional banner I received at home for local elections.

  1. Rocket science is easier then to vote in local elections. There are 6 different ballet papers; every one has a different symbol representing him/her. Bell maybe the symbol you would like to vote for in yellow paper but not in the pink. Mr. XYZ maybe your candidate for the white paper but Mr. XYZ in green paper is a different XYZ. Majority of Pakistan’s population is illiterate and if you are one, you have no choice but to ‘rattafy’ it, the colors of papers as well as their symbols.
  1. Elections were supposed to be non-party based but look at this, I received a promotional banner right at my doorstep and it represents the candidates of the party that is part of Government, and is suppose to help and implement the law of elections being non-political. Khair..anyways.


Raheel Lakhani said...

Salute to your thoughts sir and I also have the same views so my salute to me too ;)

Anonymous said...

Ok. My salute to Raheel too. Lagta hai Musharraf ki jaga Raheel sahab ko bithana paray ga ab :S
