Saturday, July 02, 2005

Driving/automobile rants/cries.

- Petroleum prices rose again *mad*
- I hate those people who take a relaxing walk on the road when crossing it. Even if you are at the fast lane you will need to hit the breaks to slow down but they won’t take few steps faster. If you wouldn’t slow down; a collision would occur. (What if, breaks fail? Or you can’t use’em for whatever reason? There is no sense of safety from their end.)
- Above scenario applies to some modern cats; and I hate them too.
- My mechanic Sattar shifted.
- Every other day my khatara makes this new weird noise and leave me wondering what’s wrong this time?
- I hate those people who drive while their younglings in their laps.
- And I hate those drivers who wildly drive with school kids in cars/vans.
- I hate broken roads all over city.
- I hate those who (to save 200/300 meters) will drive wrong on one ways; and will end messing up whole traffic.
- I hate bikers who can’t stay in one lane and run here and there like little kids do while playing.
- I hate those truck drivers/bikers who stay in fast lane while driving at 35/40 KM.
- Did I miss the busses and coaches?

That will be all for now.


S.G. said...

hmm..dont u hate those? who never give room to the ambulance when it is yelling for help?
u dont hate those who take bagher wajha kay pesay or give us a ticket(safaid wardii walay)?
and those who dont stop before the stop line n we have to cross the road from any part but the zebra crossing?

Anonymous said...

Whoa, it seems you hate practically everybody driving on the streets of our metropolis!

Get a hand buddy ;)

JonyBr said...

essjee : I m sorry i dont find myself obliged to u (or anyone for that instance) to answer the interrogation. That is, neither a denial nor an aye to the questions posed. What i write here could be, what i have been thinking/feeling from a long time; or, what i just felt/thought in that perticular moment. BTW i think u r not a very old reader of this blog or u wouldnt ask some of those questions :)

PS: Thanx for liking it.

uXuf : perhaps u expressed my feelings better :D

Anonymous said...

essjee didnt say she/he liked ur blog :P

khuwaab adhooray sahii.... :P

S.G. said...

:) i'l learn with time

JonyBr said...

essjee : Thanx for understanding.

uXuf : *hoonh*

Raj said...

You think you have it bad in Karachi. Come to Bangalore for sometime and you will start appreciating your city and people's road sense there :)

JonyBr said...

Raj : Haha.. we r never happy with what we have at home :)

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