Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Burnt Alive

Next time you are having your lunch/dinner in any of the restaurant you have been umpteenth times take a look around yourself. The people, furniture, floorings, walls, decorations and then imagine yourself locked inside. The shutters have been closed and the restaurant is set on fire. What will you do? Where would you go? And it gets dark when the power goes out and it starts to burn like a hell. The things you touch are blistering hot and soon the air itself becomes the acid – every breath you take in only bakes your lungs, you slowly starts to smolder inside and outside.

Would you scream? Would you run? But run where? What exactly would you be thinking? Do you want to live more? Hoping and praying if I survive I will never do this and that? Or I will start doing this or that? Is there something you wanted to tell your family member or a friend? Do you have any regrets? Not this soon… not like this?

Than there will be a time when you won’t be thinking at all or feeling? Or would you still be feeling the pain? Would you still be fluttering or now calmed, just there, waiting for the angle of death? The skin and flesh will merge into one, your nicely combed hairs are no more, and the classy looking dress you were wearing is now only an ash along with yourself. Would you want to take a look at yourself then?

Four men were burnt alive in KFC. One of them was a delivery boy, maybe he was one of those who have been to my place when I have ordered for a home delivery. Which one was he? The one who couldn’t find the address and called again to ask for directions? Or the one who was 10-15 min late and I sarcastically told him “aap ke 30 min ho gaye?” and he only gave me a smile? Or he was someone else? He was burning, he couldn’t run, why? What was he doing there? Making a living? Did he live? How much pain did he suffer? The witnesses said when some people were setting KFC on fire Rangers were just opposite the street – watching.

This is barbaric, implacable, this is un-human. And I hate myself, just minutes after I write this my slightly wet eyes will dry and I will forget, forgetting is a blessing alright, but will those effected, will ever forget?


Less than a kilometer away from where I live a suicide bomber attacked Imam Bargah yesterday. Although last I heard on Geo they only mentioned six casualties but I believe the number should be much higher. Some of the injured were brought in M. Rab Medical Center and one of them didn’t survive.

I feel insensible, I don’t know what to write. I feel sad and I feel abhorrent. Is the life so inexpensive? What good will you bring by killing innocent people? What day will you win? Where is the mighty right? This is just a lynch, a cold blooded murders. Alas. And I am angry on people; I used to think our people don’t have a civic sense, now, I think they are rather insensitive. It is too difficult for them to give a room to an ambulance, unless you smack on their bonnet and yell “Get the Hell out of the ambulance’s way”.

God may help us. May the souls of departs rest in peace.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Star Trek

I have been asked why I haven’t bloged in past 8 days or so. The truth is, I don’t know. I can say, I have been busy, there were guests at home for two days, and then I have been out almost whole days. Or I can say, I just couldn’t write, didn’t know what to write – and that is more close to reality. I was trying to write something 3 days ago but there was a power failure and I lost it, didn’t feel like completing that post.

I have started to watch Star TrekThe Enterprise from last couple of days again. The new episodes are better and it’s getting interesting (although I still believe nothing can beat the Next Generation with Capt. John L. Picard). Since I missed it from the beginning I don’t know what exactly went wrong and why Zindi’s have started to believe Humans are hostile species. Zindis are developing a weapon that can destroy the whole Jupitor and they intend to use it to destroy Earth. Reptilian General (Reptilians are zindi’s too but haven’t evolved more as humanoid?) is in the command of it.

There is this other species (I forgot the name, lets call them X for now) they can’t live in our space, so they are trying to build this sphere in the universe inside that sphere they will be able to live. Daniel showed Capt. Archer a glimpse of future, there will be a war between X and other species of our universe, Humans, Zindis, Volcans etc. And we will win the war. Since X are able to time travel they know what will happen in future and its probably them who are trying to convince Zindi’s to destroy Earth (So Humans are already destroyed in future and they cant be a part in future war and X have a chance to win that war). Anyways, Capt. Archer is on his way to attend the Zindi council to convice them.

See, I guess my post proves I have nothing to write, nothing to share these days :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Its been about 24 hours and hiccups are still there. Slept only few hours, hardly, and I can literally feel my whole chest burning inside, my lungs and upper chest hurts as I breath. BTW I can hold my breath for 1 min 30 sec. I could have hold it more but lets not take the risk. Sigh. Hiccups.

Monday, May 16, 2005

How much more black can this be?

“Its like, how much more black can this be?
And the answer is none. None more black.”
-Nigel Tufnel.

Although, Mr. Tufnel was speaking about the state of software development while he delivered the following line, I was wondering how much it stays true for the life itself; atleast, sometimes.

Technology claims it created a world, a global village, where distance is now void, but I for one have started to doubt it. As my cousin said the other day “we only created individual rooms.” We have started to live with machine, not humans. We have started to evolve with machine, not humans.

Few days back, I was talking to a friend when we were just laughing about, if, there will be a day when computers and humans will catch the same virus. Like there are some virus that attacks both, the men and the mammal. Later, I was thinking it’s already happening. When my PC is attacked by some virus it gives me headache, mood swings and discomfort. Maybe, its just beginning of the evolution with machines. After centuries or perhaps just decades we will co-exist with them – ohh wait, we already co-exist with them.

Coming back to life, when it seems black and dark. ….Have you ever been to a party when suddenly there was a power failure and you were in complete dark? Although, you might had your friend standing right next to you but just in that single moment, didn’t you feel all alone? In a complete darkness? It is the same moment I am talking about, in that moment I start to wonder if we really have a destiny or life is just like a foliage randomly flying in different directions where ever the breeze pushes it away.

In the movie Forest Gump, Tom Hanks said maybe its both. Yes. Maybe. Its both.

Saturday, May 14, 2005


"Life is like an iceacream, enjoy it, before it melts".

Just had an Iceacream Jelly after dinner from Baloch Icecream. Life is so icecreamish sometimes.

Filmi...bery hi filmi

Movie : Hitch

Brief background of the scene: Sarah and Hitch love each other but there have been some misunderstandings. Finally Hitch went to her apartment to apologize, so far things didn’t work good, there was a man in her apartment (her brother in law but she didn’t mention). And now they r going somewhere, Sarah sat in car with her brother in law, started the jumpy drive and Hitch came back running after the car.

*BIL (Brother in law)*

BIL : You okay?
Sarah : Yeah…No..I am fine.

*Hitch jumps on the car*

Hitch : *yelling* You ll never be fine neither will I

*Sarah hits the breaks, Hitch fells off the car*

BIL : Maybe I should drive?
Sarah : *getting out of car* Are you trying to get yourself killed?
Hitch : *on the road, his leg shaking* If that’s what it takes.

*Woman (Sarah’s sister) coming out of store says (Sister = Sarah’s sister)*

Sister : Sarahh.. what happened?
Sarah : He jumped on the car
Sister : Why?
Sarah : *shrugs*
BIL : *shrugs*
Hitch : *still on the road trying to get up* Because that’s what people do. They leap and hope to God they can fly. ..*ohh ah …ouch* …. As otherwise we just drop like a rock, wondering the whole way down, why in the hell did I jump?... but here I am Sarah… falling….and there is only one person that makes me feel like I can fly… its you.
Sarah : *touched, calmed down* So… you kinda like me huh?
Hitch : Nah…I love you…I love you fromm….*she starts kissing him*

Monday, May 09, 2005


Quote of the day: “Logic is only the beginning of wisdom; not the end.

Sunday, May 08, 2005


Just for the heck of entry and talking about the motivation and creativity "F-16" is what I saw written on the street donky. I wasnt even finished with my smile, when next, I saw a rakshaw, the line on rakshaw was "Mei bara ho ker truck bano ga". Now thats what I call Motivated IT (cant call em ppl).

Monday, May 02, 2005

Alpha Bravo Charlie

I spent continuous 10 hours from 10 AM to 8 PM watching the old PTV drama on my cable and just when i was in the last episode KESC reminded me how much they love me - it was a power failure. So is there any good soul who can let me know what happened in the end? I think the last scene i watched was when Gulsher was attemping to run.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Wakeup Call.

I was talking to a friend (a university fellow) on MSN who now works for Texpo Training Center, Dubai, and he told me that another of our friend (also an old university fellow) is accepted for his Ph.D. in LUMS. Two of the very dedicated, hard working and genius guys in their area of work I have known. He deserved it, Good luck to him.

Dad called and at one point he said “If you are easy on yourself; life is tough. If you are tough on yourself; life is easy” I think; that he thinks I am being easy on myself, maybe, he is right.

If these aren’t the wakeup calls for me, nothing will be.