Using anonymous proxy for your own blog, it feels like entering your own home using a window that opens in one of the backside rooms. Anyway.
Finally, it seems like I have found some pace again in reading after a long time. I m done with ‘Angels and Demons’ by Dan Brown and I already finished some 200 pages of ‘Raja Gidh’ by Bano Qudsia. And I have two books lined up after this. Although, there is something important waiting for my attention and so far I have been unable to deliver what it demands. Lets see.
so how was Angels and Demons?
hahaha, quite true!
Sneaking up on our own houses :S
My blog works..ur doesnt..hahaha
nya nya boo boo :p *dances*
assalam o alaykum
oh i took every other dan brown book only 1 day while for anngels and demons toook some 7-8 dayz :)
it had bit anti islamic parts as well .... ... as
would do the magic its great ... :)
ntw my blog add changed ...
Very aptly put....but thank god blogs are back into stream now! How did you like Angels and Demons? I read it after di vinci code....was a bad idea!
come more anonyomous proxies. :P
quite a lot of anonymous proxies now ... update plz
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on!
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