Monday, January 09, 2006

Quote of the day.

“There are three things I have always loved, and never understood – painting, music, women.”



Asma said...

Hmmmm ... OK :)

Pinting tu bas abstract hi samjh nahi ateen ... pa anahi in muhtaram ya muhtarma fontenelle ko kiyun nahi samjah ayeen :)

any how enjoy ur eid


inspirex said...

Dude! This guy is nuts! Not even worth quoting!

Raj said...

I've never loved or understood paintings.

The Lil fairy & her angel friends said...

good one:)

JonyBr said...

Asma...i hope i will, thanx

Inspirex, trust me ...i can so relate to it :)

Raj, neither have i

Unaiza.... thanx :)

Anonymous said...

You are soo unromantic, if you dont love paintings :\


inspirex said...

u dont listen to music......u just told me that a few days ago....
whats the purpose of understanding it....

they are beauty.....
who goes into the mood of the artist.....
wo cares about the beauty of the "stroke"....just love it as it comes....u dont need t understand beauty!!!!

when was the last time u tried to "understand" a cute lookin girl????

JonyBr said...

uXuf, maybe i m too old to be romantic ;)

Inspirex, *smiles* on ur last line...

Anonymous said...

[color=#69c]Hi all,
I don't know if for you is the same but I love the world where we live in, especially for the new technology and at the present time it seems to me impossible to do without.
The stuff that I like most are all kind of little stuff that I can keep in my pourse. As you can imagine my cell phone play a center role in my daily life.
I can't resist to a new[/color] [url=]ringtone[/url][color=#69c]. I change several of them a month so I want a new one, immediately. The good part is I am an housewife so my husband have to pay and further to buy a subscription is not difficult.
Now I have to go.
Goodbye everyone