After all the hype about the book I thought I will give it a try. And, after a long time, I managed to complete a book – that too, in four days. So yes, I will put the book’s name in one of the finest reads.
I am not going to write about the book, as much has been discussed all over the net and blogs. I will just add my name in the list of the victims, of the, The Da Vinci Code.
I started reading it a month back and am still on the fifth chapter :(
welcome to the club. :)
oh, sid stole my comment :\
have fun, make angles and demons the next ;)
lolz ... seems like u and me were reading da vinci at the sam etime i started it 3 days back and ended yesterday ... and the story revolved around 20 hr span :)
was very good... i'll start angels and deamons today :)
..and uXuf what about your act of theft of my comment.
Btw I don't like the epilouge.. everything else is awesome. Waiting for the movie.. trailer looks scary.
Raj: *smack* ...u need to pace up pal...u ll loose all the fun with this speed
Sid, thanx
uXuf, i already had the copy of deception point untouched, i have started it.
Asma, i started decepttion point, will check angel & demons later.
Raheel...yeah knock him out for stealing ur line :p
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