Thursday, May 26, 2005

Star Trek

I have been asked why I haven’t bloged in past 8 days or so. The truth is, I don’t know. I can say, I have been busy, there were guests at home for two days, and then I have been out almost whole days. Or I can say, I just couldn’t write, didn’t know what to write – and that is more close to reality. I was trying to write something 3 days ago but there was a power failure and I lost it, didn’t feel like completing that post.

I have started to watch Star TrekThe Enterprise from last couple of days again. The new episodes are better and it’s getting interesting (although I still believe nothing can beat the Next Generation with Capt. John L. Picard). Since I missed it from the beginning I don’t know what exactly went wrong and why Zindi’s have started to believe Humans are hostile species. Zindis are developing a weapon that can destroy the whole Jupitor and they intend to use it to destroy Earth. Reptilian General (Reptilians are zindi’s too but haven’t evolved more as humanoid?) is in the command of it.

There is this other species (I forgot the name, lets call them X for now) they can’t live in our space, so they are trying to build this sphere in the universe inside that sphere they will be able to live. Daniel showed Capt. Archer a glimpse of future, there will be a war between X and other species of our universe, Humans, Zindis, Volcans etc. And we will win the war. Since X are able to time travel they know what will happen in future and its probably them who are trying to convince Zindi’s to destroy Earth (So Humans are already destroyed in future and they cant be a part in future war and X have a chance to win that war). Anyways, Capt. Archer is on his way to attend the Zindi council to convice them.

See, I guess my post proves I have nothing to write, nothing to share these days :)


javeria said...

ho haye. me is also first one to comment. hisab barabar hehe

interesting post. seems like you are having tons of fun in your life :P

neurotica said...

sometimes you need to replace ink pens with spring countryside walks. and wait for your soul to replenish. and pray very, very hard to God that you find what your looking for. :)
