Saturday, May 14, 2005

Filmi...bery hi filmi

Movie : Hitch

Brief background of the scene: Sarah and Hitch love each other but there have been some misunderstandings. Finally Hitch went to her apartment to apologize, so far things didn’t work good, there was a man in her apartment (her brother in law but she didn’t mention). And now they r going somewhere, Sarah sat in car with her brother in law, started the jumpy drive and Hitch came back running after the car.

*BIL (Brother in law)*

BIL : You okay?
Sarah : Yeah…No..I am fine.

*Hitch jumps on the car*

Hitch : *yelling* You ll never be fine neither will I

*Sarah hits the breaks, Hitch fells off the car*

BIL : Maybe I should drive?
Sarah : *getting out of car* Are you trying to get yourself killed?
Hitch : *on the road, his leg shaking* If that’s what it takes.

*Woman (Sarah’s sister) coming out of store says (Sister = Sarah’s sister)*

Sister : Sarahh.. what happened?
Sarah : He jumped on the car
Sister : Why?
Sarah : *shrugs*
BIL : *shrugs*
Hitch : *still on the road trying to get up* Because that’s what people do. They leap and hope to God they can fly. ..*ohh ah …ouch* …. As otherwise we just drop like a rock, wondering the whole way down, why in the hell did I jump?... but here I am Sarah… falling….and there is only one person that makes me feel like I can fly… its you.
Sarah : *touched, calmed down* So… you kinda like me huh?
Hitch : Nah…I love you…I love you fromm….*she starts kissing him*


Sidrat said...

filmi indeed!!! not to forget totally romantic..hehe.

JonyBr said...

Zag Bhai..go ask the writer :p

Sid : Indeed romantic :)...btw udaasankhain from GS? how r u kido? & howd u find me ?

Marium said...


Zag: wishfull thinkin? :-p

Sidrat said...

jony bhaii:i didnt have to find u. u were all around. accordin to moonasha 'its a small blog world'. hehe. I'm fine. How abt u? I didnt know udaasaankhein was known so well. :P

Anonymous said...

zag: i'll just call u uncle if u re not to fond of being called bhaii. :-P u choose.